To learn about upcoming House Concerts, join our mailing list.
Interested in performing? Email houseconcertdurhamcoho@gmail.com.
Durham Coho House Concerts hosts great events with the best in Americana and modern folk music. Our venue offers a spacious entertainment area with excellent acoustics, and our community welcomes fellow music lovers. We have a tradition of sharing food and drink, and good conversation. Join us!
Park for free in the Center for Senior Life parking lot across the street. Child care may be available. Let us know if this would be of interest. To RSVP or get more information about a concert, email houseconcertdurhamcoho@gmail.com.
Recent House Concert

$20 suggested donation (all to the performer).
RSVP to houseconcertdurhamcoho@gmail.com to let us
know you're coming.
Guitarist Pat Wictor returns to the Durham Coho stage
Durham Cohousing is so happy Pat Wictor will be back with us – remembering Pat’s wonderful sold out concert in May 2019. Pat took a convoluted path to folk music, winding his way through rock, heavy metal, jazz, and free improvisation. He first burst on the folk and acoustic scene as an innovative slide guitarist known for fresh and memorable interpretations of traditional and contemporary songs. Since then he has made his mark as a singer-songwriter penning lean and poetic songs that honor and extend rural blues and gospel traditions. Pat’s newest recording, about political division in America titled FLARE, was called “brilliant” by critics, and reached #1 on the Folk-DJ charts in 2022. Learn more at patwictor.com.
"He manages to infuse an almost playful improvisation while maintaining a beautiful sense of melody........While he can fingerpick like the best of them, he is an absolute madman on the lapsteel. Unquestionably, anyone who has ever heard a Wictor show will permanently place him in the company of the best in the genre…..” Frank Matheis, TheCountryBlues.com
"If you can make it to only one concert this year, let it be a show by Pat Wictor, who plays heart-felt blues-based roots music like the only begotten son of Bonnie Raitt (same red hair!) and Chris Smither." -Jim Motavalli, WPKN
Previous House Concerts
Our musicians have loved performing at Durham Cohousing:
...thank you to every audience member for showing us such love, support, and authentic listening. Last night was one of the best experiences we’ve ever had on stage, and we’re grateful we got to share our music with you!
Love and thanks,
Lizzie and Omar (Violet Bell)

Dec 2, 2023

Jan 10, 2020

Sep 6, 2019

May 3, 2019

March 8, 2019

Sep 28, 2018

March 24, 2018

October 20, 2017

April 15, 2017

November 11, 2016

May 14, 2016